Bobcat Buck$

bobcat bucks

Bobcat Buck$ are the secure, convenient way to
access products and services all over town!  

Your Bobcat Buck$ account is yours the entire time you are here at Texas State. Your balance will carry over semester to semester, academic year to academic year. Refunds are available upon graduation or official withdrawal from the University.



GET - Card Management 

Login with your NetID and password to see account balances, 
add Bobcat Buck$, or report your card as lost or stolen.

Login to GET here or download the app below. 

apple store
google play


Paws Market  
LBJ Student Center - 2nd Floor

Paws n Go Market  
Behind Evan Liberal Arts Building


Campus Coke Machines 
Over 100 on campus

ID Services 
LBJ Student Center 2-9.1

Mile High Mo's

Departmental Request For Bobcat Buck$

Are you with a department or group that would like to add Bobcat Buck$ onto student accounts?

Download and complete the form (fill in all fields in yellow) and e-mail to

How the Process Works:

  1. Department submits completed form to
  2. ID Services sends completed IDT to account manager for signature.
  3. Department emails signed IDT to
  4. Bobcat Buck$ are placed on student accounts and IDT is sent to Financial Reporting for the funds to be transferred.

Please allow time for the IDT to be completed, signed by the account manager, and returned to our department before the Bobcat Buck$ are needed on the accounts. Thank you for your support!

**eIDT's cannot be used to transfer Bobcat Buck$ because of the fund type.